Members present: Dave Gray, Jody Leal, Teresa Richards, Tammie Henderson, Joe Arambel,
Candy Caudell, Rick Fredricksen, and Dennis Nussbaum. Visitors present: Kelly Wagner for
Janet Johnson, John Thiebeault, and Kevin Mc Dermott
Call to Order: 7:39
Approval of Agenda: Rick motioned, Jody seconded-approved
Approval of Minutes: Rick motioned, Candy seconded-approved
Treasurers report: Rick motioned, Dave seconded-approved
- Vice President: no report
- Secretary: no report
- Referee: no report
- Fields: ordered new flags. Will check about moving the U-6 field to avoid holes. Kwik
Goal is considering replacing the goals because of the paint problem.
- Registrar: ordered forms. Will credit Brian OToole for next season due to missed
games this season.
- Coaching: no report
- Funding: open
- Risk Management: will request coaches to call Teresa in the Goalkeeper
- State Delegate: Oct. 17, 1999 is the next meeting.
- Telephone: not present
- Indoor Soccer: Larry Lloyd and Rick will meet this coming Wed.
- Uniforms: will be doing an inventory for next season
- Pepsi Cup: financial report given
Old Business:
- Fun night: Joe will run the obstacle course, Dave- speedshot, Rick- drinks, Teresa- door
prizes, Janet- throwin bowling, Tammie and Rick- distance kicking, John T. target
shoot, Kevin M. - crab game.
- Questionnaire for girls league- Dave needs a list of all of the girls in RSSA. The
questionnaire will be in the Goalkeeper.
- Tammie will call all U-5 and U-6 coaches personally to get their views on weekday games.
- Rick sent in the info. On the 18th for the 501C3. This is the final step and
will determine our status.
New Business:
- Rick- There will be a check coming back to RSSA in the amount of $120.00 for credit on
the rental car.
- Dennis needs to resign his position this coming spring due to work hours. He will
continue to help out until a replacement is found.
- Kevin would like a copy of the minutes from each meeting E-mailed to him. He requested that he is
allowed to swap his next game in order to be able to play all teams in his age group. Joe
will take care of this request. He also discussed his concern for the 10-year-olds playing
against 15 year olds. He is concerned about liability factors. This was discussed and all
agreed to have a meeting to try to mend the situation. John T. also voiced his concern
about this same situation.
- Kevin also expressed that he was extremely pleased with the MLS coach Rob Kerr and would
like to see him back.
- John T. wrote a letter to the board (in file) discussing a concern with his last game.
The opposing coach also wrote a like letter (in file) against John. The board discussed
the matter and letters will be written to each coach in attempts to alleviate the
situation. Rick will line a coachs area at each field to encourage less conflict.
- A letter of complaint was received from Rechelle Golnitz and Tara Gunyan discussing a
conversation with Tammie and Teresa at a previous game. Island Richards who was also at
the game wrote a letter in favor of Tammie and Teresa. The situation was discussed. The
board decided to send a letter to Ms. Golnitz acknowledging her concerns and with a
clarification of the rules as discussed at the initial confrontation. The letters above
mentioned are on file.
The next meeting will be held Oct. 11, 1999
Adjournment was at 10:09p.m.