October 18,1999
Members present: Dave Gray, Jody Leal, Teresa Richards, Tammie Henderson, Joe Arambel,
Rick Fredricksen, and Dennis Nussbaum, Shari Moran and Sandy Berry. Visitors present:
Jenifer Buller
Call to Order: 7:35
Approval of Minutes: Rick motioned, Dennis seconded-approved
Treasurers report: 17,782.48 Dennis motioned, Teresa seconded-approved. A
remaining balance of 2,500 is owed to M.L.S. for Rob Kerrs services. Sheila will
take care of this immediately.
- Vice President: One injury was reported. The injury consisted of a broken wrist and in
discussion of the accident, a back injury was added. Dave is in the process of having the
accident reports filled out and signed by those involved.
- Secretary: no report
- Referee: Rick will turn information to Sheila in order to get payment to the referees
for this season. Rick would like us to consider bonuses for two referees that went above
the call of duty. No further discussion was made concerning this. The referee clinic is
tentatively set for November 19-21 at the Rock Springs Family Rec. Center. Times for the
clinic are currently 6-9 p.m. Fri, 8-4 Sat. and 8-12 a.m. Sun. A refresher course will be
held 8-12 on Sat. These times may change.
- Fields: Dennis brought pictures of damage to goals that he sent in as proof to Kwikgoal.
A suggestion was made to buy a set of permanent goals for the U-8 fields. The cost of the
goals would be $1400.00 and a set of nets for $130.00 = shipping and handling. Rick made
the original motion for goals alone and Teresa seconded. The motion was amended to include
nets. Rick motioned Sheila seconded-approved. Rick added that he would like the coaches to
be again reminded that if they are the lasts to play on a field, they are responsible for
putting away the equipment. A concern for the availability of First aid kits for all
coaches was made. Dave will check into pricing.
- Registrar: requested payment for this season-she was paid $585.00
- Coaching: not present. Sent word by Shari that she is working on the coaches
- Funding: open
- Risk Management: need board members to sign forms.
- State Delegate: Rick and Joe attended the meeting held Oct. 17. Next year the state cup
will be divided as such: Americas Cup- memorial day and Snickers Cup- labor day. The
tournaments will be held in Casper for the next two years and then are up for bid. There
is a proposed C licensing program set tentatively for July 29-Aug.6 or Aug. 5-13. These
are not official dates. Marie requested a copy of our by-laws and Rick mailed them. The
girls ODP is resigning effective Jan. 1. The boys ODP program currently has 106 players
not necessarily the best Wyoming soccer has to offer. Wyoming league was discussed and a
proposal was requested from us. Joe and Rick will take care of this. There was a huge
debate concerning risk management. John Kolesar has taken over the position. From here on
out, disclosure forms will be required every year instead of every 2.Non-compliance by an
organization will result in a non-favorable standing with the state. We were advised that
if a coach or anyone involved in RSSA soccer is questionable for any reason that we must
report and deal with the situation immediately. The division of family services in Casper
has agreed to check any complaint we may have. We must have everything documented in
writing as far as contacts, reports, etc. We discussed making cards for coaches, assistant
coaches, referees, board members, or anyone else that might be alone with RSSA children.
Rick has some cards and Teresa will find out more information about lanyards and pictures
to complete the I.D. cards. Sheila will talk to G. Grubb about background checks.
- Telephone: no report
- Indoor Soccer: still no volunteers for the position.
- Uniforms: not present
- Pepsi Cup: unsure of date. We will check into having it in September.
- Publicity: needs pictures.
Old Business:
- Fun night: went well, great comments from all sides. The numbers show approximately 140
- Dennis turned unclaimed lost and found over to Tammie to take to the thrift store.
- It was decided to change the U-5 time to begin at 10:00
- Rick made a motion for Rob Kerr to return in the fall for coaching clinics and MLS
clinics to be held in the spring. Shari seconded- approved.
New Business:
- Jenifer Buller is interested in joining the board in the capacity of Funding. Tammie
nominated, Teresa seconded-approved. Her phone number is 362-7248.
- Dennis is resigning his position this coming spring due to work hours.
- Dennis brought drafts of a proposal of new soccer space adjoining century. All were
enthused and Rick will draft the grant to start the process.
The next meeting will be held November 8, 1999 at 7:30 p.m.
Adjournment was at 9:25p.m.